San Mateo KC, CA
Jax (Dana x Dumbarton) Jax finished his RN with a 93 and 4th place on Sat and 99 and 2nd place on Sunday. (Wilson)
Teddy (Chill x Rival) goes WD/BW/BOB for 1 pt. (Reed)
Front and Finish Obedience Rankings for 2006
Trip (Dana x Greco) was #2 Belgian Sheepdog! (McKereghan)
USDAA Team Tournament, CA
Jax (Dana x Dumbarton) Jax Q'd 6 out of 8 runs. He Q'd in Steeplechase on Sat and was 5th place in round 2 on Sunday. He went on to Q in their first Grand Prix run and again the next day. (Wilson) Auld Lang Syne Dog Association, Canada
Strider (Chill x Justin) finished his Canadian Ch going WD/BW/BOB the first day then BOB the next two days and Group 4! Danika also took a 1st in Jr Handling, WAY TO GO DANIKA! (Bred by Ramona Kraft and Penny King and owned by Ramona and Danika Kraft and handled by Danika)
Ridgefield KC, WA
Brohdi (Dana x Dumbarton) goes BOB and Group 2. (King and Miller)
Eukanuba Invitational, CA
Ring (Shyla x Blancodiente) has 3 awesome clean runs at the Invitationals coming out of the first day in 5th place but they had one off course on a tough standard course so didn't quite make the finals. I am SO proud of how well Ring and Susan ran the entire weekend, they are a great team. WAY TO GO!! (Anderson)
Brohdi (Dana x Dumbarton) goes BOB over top competition and showed beautifully in the group ring, Penny and Brodhi adore each other and it shows in and out of the ring, THANK YOU Penny!! (King and Miller)
Lansing shows, MI
Slick (Maddie x Cash) took a BOB and a BOS and Linda's Schooner (Reverie's Smooth Sailing MX MXJ) finished his MXJ and a DQ to qualified for the BSCA Agility HOF! (Brady and Hodges)
Agility Trial, CA
Jax (Dana x Dumbarton) Jax Q'd 3 out of 4 runs, picked up another DQ and 55 MACH pts with a 1st in Jumpers and a 3rd and 4th in Standard, working those contacts! (Wilson) Agility Trial, CO
Ring (Shyla x Blancodiente)
Ring Q'd 4 out of 6 runs, all first places. This was DQ #9. Susan's Sheltie, Jenny, got her 20th DQ on Sat and her MACH 2, she Q'd 4 out of 6 runs with all first places.
What a great weekend for Susan! (Anderson)
Niya (Shyla x Blancodiente) Niya Q'd 5 out of six runs and got her first two DQ towards her MACH. (Gee)
Agility Trial, WA Sage (Sunny x Belle)
finished her novice jumpers title with no faults and came in with a first place. She also got her first open standard leg finishing 2nd! (Stiles)
Wine Country KC, CA
Lance (Chill x Rival) earned his third Rally leg with 4th place! This is Janet and Lance's first title. (Delight)
Trip (Dana x Greco) was HIGH IN TRIAL with a 198.5 from Open B and picked up 4 OTCH pts!! WAY TO GO! (McKereghan)
Lance, Spooky, Teddy, Tali, Marli, Guppy and Stella all earned their HICs. Emma at 4 months was too young to be official but had a blast!
Agility Trial, WI
Tika (Nikki x Joey) earned her first NA leg with a 95 and 4th place and her first NAJ leg with a 100 and 1st place! (Bandy)
Nor Cal Bearded Collie Herding Trial, CA
Trip (Dana x Greco) was 2nd place both days to earn his first two Herding Started legs on sheep! Margot's BC also finished his HC!! WAY TO GO! (McKereghan)
Fort Wayne shows, IN
Slick (Maddie x Cash) took 2 BOB's and a BOS over some outstanding competition and went on to earn a Group 4 on Sunday! (Brady and Hodges)
Sacramento DFA (sun), CA
Brohdi (Dana x Dumbarton) goes BOB and Group 2. (King and Miller)
Bear (Chill x Justin) goes WD/BW for 2 pts. (Bred by Ramona Kraft and Penny King and owned by Tom and Kim Zioncheck)
Stella (Phebe x Justin) goes WB/BOS but only girl today. (Bred by Jim and Mary Reise and owned by L. Miller)
Vancouver KC, WA
Sota (Chill x Rival) finished his RN and earned his CGC! (Stiles)
Lower Mainland DF of BC, Canada
Strider (Chill x Justin) goes WD all three days and BW one day to give him 8 pts towards his Candian Ch, Danika and Strider also placed 3rd in Jr. Handling on Sat. (Bred by Ramona Kraft and Penny King and owned by Ramona and Danika Kraft and handled by Danika)
Sacramento DFA (sat), CA
Trip (Dana x Greco) was Highest Scoring Belgian with a 194.5 in Utility B. (McKereghan)
Justin (Dana x Greco) was BOB. (Miller)
Bear (Chill x Justin) was RWD to a major. (Bred by Ramona Kraft and Penny King and owned by Tom and Kim Zioncheck)
Stella (Phebe x Justin) goes WB/BOS for 1 pt. (Bred by Jim and Mary Reise and owned by L. Miller)
Northern California Herding Breeds, CA
Brohdi (Dana x Dumbarton) goes BOB under a breeder judge and Group 4. (King and Miller)
Justin (Dana x Greco) was BOB Herding Titled and Group 2 in the Herding Titled Group. (Miller) Bear (Chill x Justin) goes WD for 2 pts. (Bred by Ramona Kraft and Penny King and owned by Tom and Kim Zioncheck)
Stella (Phebe x Justin) goes WB/BW/BOS for 2 pts. (Bred by Jim and Mary Reise and owned by L. Miller)
Peace Arch Herding Breeds Specialty, Canada
Strider (Chill x Justin) goes WD/BW/BOB and pulled in a tough Herding Group for 3 pts. (Bred by Ramona Kraft and Penny King and owned by Ramona and Danika Kraft and handled by Danika)
Del Valle KC, CA
Bear (Chill x Justin) goes WD/BW/BOB for 1 pt. (Bred by Ramona Kraft and Penny King and owned by Tom and Kim Zioncheck)
Tali (Chill x Rival) goes WB for 1 pt from BBE. (Miller) Stella (Phebe x Justin) goes RWB. (Bred by Jim and Mary Reise and owned by L. Miller)
AKC Agility, CO
Ring (Shyla x Blancodiente) earned 3 Double Q's in 3 days with FIVE 1st places and one 2nd, this qualifies him for the BSCA Agiltiy HOF!! (Anderson) Boise Shows, ID
Brohdi (Dana x Dumbarton) picks up three more Group 4 placements to qualify for the BSCA Conformation HOF!! (King and Miller) Haute Dawgs UDSAA Trial, CA
Jax (Dana x Dumbarton) finished his AD title with a 1st place, he also took 1st in Gamblers and was 2nd in Advanced Jumpers. (Wilson)
Willamette Valley Herding Club
Sota (Chill x Rival) earned his PT his first two tries! (Stiles)
Donner Trail KC, CA
Lance (Chill x Rival) earned his first Rally leg with a 93 the first time in the ring for both Janet and Lance, the next day he qualified again with a 4th place! (Delight)
AKC Agility, MI Slick (Maddie x Cash) finishes his NA. (Brady and Hodges)
AKC Agility, CO
Niya (Shyla x Blancodiente) finished her AX. (Gee)
Timber Ridge Herding Trial, WI
Izzy (Caper x Brohdi) was first in Herding Started on Sheep with 94 and HIGH IN TRIAL at 15 months. (Bred and owned by Bonnie Leonard)
Tika (Nikki x Joey) earned her PT. (Bandy)
AKC Agility, CO
Ring (Shyla x Blancodiente) earned his 5th Double Q, both legs with 1st places. (Anderson)
Bonanza KC, NV
Faith (Caper x Brohdi) was BOB both days, Sunday going over a special, for another 2 points. (Bred by Bonnie Leonard, owned by Cara Greger and L. Miller)
Gallatin KC, MT
Brohdi (Dana x Dumbarton) goes BOB both days and picks up two Group 3 placements. (King and Miller) Old Dominion KC, VA
Libet (Katie x Dex) was WB/BOS for another point. (Harrill)
Warrenton KC, VA Libet (Katie x Dex) was WB/BOS for 1 pt. (Harrill)
AKC Agility, OR
Sage (Sunny x Belle) finished her NA with 3 first places! She also picked up her second NAJ leg with a 1st place! Way to go Mary! (Stiles)
Wenatchee KC, WA
Brohdi (Dana x Dumbarton) goes BOB both days and picks up a Group 3 and Group 4. (King and Miller)
Sir Francis Drake KC, CA
Ivy (Belle x George) was WB for 3 points. (Rossman)
Cuyahoga Valley Golden Retriever Club, OH Troy (Chill x Rival) earns his TD on his first try! (Mummert)
Davis DTC Trial, CA
Jax (Dana x Dumbarton) took 1st place in JWW for 26 pts. (Wilson)
All Breed KC, MI
Slick (Maddie x Cash) goes BOB both days and earns his CGC. (Brady and Hodges)
Longview/Kelso KC, WA
Brohdi (Dana x Dumbarton) goes BOB and Group 3. (King and Miller)
Bay Team UDSAA Trial, CA
Jax (Dana x Dumbarton) earned his 1st Advanced Pairs leg and his 1st Starters Snooker leg, both with a 2nd place. (Wilson)
USDAA Agility, CO
Ring (Shyla x Blancodiente) was 1st in Master Snooker and 2nd in Master Pairs. (Anderson)
USDAA Agility, WY
Ring (Shyla x Blancodiente) was 2nd in Master Gamblers and 2nd in Perfomance Speed Jumping, the next day he placed 1st in Performance National Standard and 2nd in Master Standard, with a 1st in Master Snooker, the last day he was 1st in Master Standard for his Master Agility Dog title and 1st in Master Jumpers and a 6th in Master Pairs. (Anderson)
DVGSDC Herding Trial, CA
Jax (Dana x Dumbarton) earned his second PT leg. (Wilson)
Greeley KC, Regional Specialty, CO
Faith (Caper x Brohdi) was WB/BW for 5 pts under a breeder judge! (Greger and Miller)
Sota (Chill x Rival) goes first in his class and earns his first two Rally Novice legs the first two tries! (Stiles)
Inland Empire KC, WA
Brohdi (Dana x Dumbarton) goes BOB and Group 3. (King and Miller)
GSDFNC Herding Trial, CA
Jax (Dana x Dumbarton) earned his first PT leg. (Wilson)
Nisqually KC, WA
Brohdi (Dana x Dumbarton) goes BOB and Group 4. (King and Miller)
Dallas KC, TX
Cash (Nikki x Joey) Cash finished his RN with a 95 and 3rd place in Novice A. (Holbrook) Alaskan Malamute Agility Trial, CA
Jax (Dana x Dumbarton) was a 4th in JWW for 11 more MACH pts. (Wilson)
Spokane KC, WA
Brohdi (Dana x Dumbarton) goes BOB and Group 1 under respected breeder judge L. Stanbridge and picks up a Group 3 the next day. (King and Miller)
Vaca Valley Stockdog Trial, CA
Trip (Dana x Greco) Q'd on both runs to earn his PT. (McKereghan) Congratulations on Ben's HIT!!! (Border Collie) Justin (Dana x Greco) Q'd three times in Started Cattle with a 3rd, 4th and 1st (HIT and High Combined) to earn his Herding Started cattle title. (Miller) Bell Vernon KA, WA
Brohdi (Dana x Dumbarton) goes BOB and Group 1. (King and Miller)
Rally Trial, Canada
Rev (Nikki x Joey) finished his RN title on Friday and the next day placed 3rd in his first RA trial and finished his RA on Sunday! (Mulrooney)
USDAA Agility, CO
Ring (Shyla x Blancodiente) earned his Master Standard (MS) with a 2nd place. He also picked up a Master Pairs leg, a Jumpers leg with a 1st and a Master Snookers leg. He aslo Qualified for the 3rd time for the Performance National Standard and Q'd for Versatility Pairs for Nationals. In pairs he Q'd in Jumpers, Standard and the relay. (Anderson) --- WOW! Way to go Susan!!!
Clackamas KC, OR
Brohdi (Dana x Dumbarton) goes BOB and Group 2. (King and Miller)
Tali (Chill x Rival) goes WB for 1 pt from BBE. (Miller)
Strider (Chill x Justin) goes WD/BW for 2 pts both days. (Bred by Ramona Kraft and Penny King and owned by Ramona and Danika Kraft)
Monterey Bay DTC Agility Trial, CA
Justin (Dana x Greco) Q'd in Ex B JWW for MXJ legs #6 and #7. (Miller)
AKC Agility, MD
Lisa (Justin x Dana) earns her 15 and 16th Double Qs. (Mizrahi)
AKC Agility, CO
Ring (Shyla x Blancodiente) was 1st in JWW and 2nd in Standard picking up more MACH points. (Anderson)
Niya (Shyla x Blancodiente) Q's twice in ExcB JWW picking up her first MACH points. (Gee)
ABMC Herding Trial, CA
Pika (Belle x George) finished her Herding Started title on sheep on Sat and picked up an insurance leg on Sun! (Connell)
Redwood Empire BTC Agility Trial, CA
Jax (Dana x Dumbarton) double Q'd and earned his 2nd MX leg with a 2nd place and a 1st in JWW! (Wilson) Puyallup Valley DF, WA
Brohdi (Dana x Dumbarton) goes BOB and Group 2. (King and Miller)
NADAC Agility, AK
Krishna (Chill x Justin) finished his NADAC tunneler's title, TN-N with a 2nd place. (Bred by Ramona Kraft and Penny King and owned by Kristen Nelson)
Tacoma KC , WA Brohdi (Dana x Dumbarton) goes BOB. (King and Miller)
Yakima Valley KC, WA
Brohdi (Dana x Dumbarton) goes Group 2 and Group 1! (King and Miller) Alaska KC, AK
Krishna (Chill x Justin) finished his RN with a 1st place and was BOS both days. (Bred by Ramona Kraft and Penny King and owned by Kristen Nelson)
Ottawa Kennel Club Show, Canada
Rev (Nikki x Joey) goes WD to finish his Championship! (Mulrooney) TRACS Agility Trial , CA
Jax (Dana x Dumbarton) earned his first MX leg with 19 points and took a 2nd place in the ISC JWW with a whole lot of BCs. (Wilson)
Coeur D'Alene DF, ID
Brohdi (Dana x Dumbarton) goes Group 4. (King and Miller)
Genesee County KC, MI
Slick (Maddie x Cash) goes BOB over some lovely specials competition. (Brady and Hodges)
Coyote Hills KC, CA
Teddy (Chill x Rival) goes WD/BOS for 2 pts over specials under breeder judge Barbara Peach. (Miller)
Tali (Chill x Rival) goes WB/BW/BOB for 2 pts over specials under breeder judge Barbara Peach from BBE. (Miller)
AKC Obedience Trial, OR
Willow (Bechelle x Justin) earned her first two Novice CD legs, placing 3rd on Sat. (Bred by Julie Codding and owned by Rita Hollingsworth)
CPE Agility Trial, MI
Shai (Bechelle x Justin) qualified 7 out of 8 runs with four 1st places, two 2nd places, and one 3rd place finish. He also finished his CL1-F title and he is now in level 3 in Colors, Jackpot and Fullhouse. (Bred by Julie Codding and owned by Belinda)
NADAC Agility, AK
Krishna (Chill x Justin) took 1st in Novice Tunnelers. (Bred by Ramona Kraft and Penny King and owned by Kristen Nelson)
USDAA Agility, CO
Ring (Shyla x Blancodiente)
Ring Q'd in the Grand Prix, and also Q'd in his
First Master Pairs Relay. (Anderson)
Niya (Shyla x Blancodiente) Niya was 1st in
Performance Novice Standard on Sat and took 1st place in Performance Novice Jumpers on Sun. (Gee)
Rogue Valley KC, OR
Brohdi (Dana x Dumbarton) goes BOB and Group 3. (King and Miller)
CWCCA Herding Trial, CA
Jax (Dana x Dumbarton) earned his HT on his first two tries. (Wilson)
Nikki (Dana x Dumbarton) finished her Herding Started title on sheep with a very nice run and 4th place. (Miller)
USDAA Agility , CO
Ring (Shyla x Blancodiente) Ring earned a leg in Master Standard with a 2nd place and picked up his first Master Jumpers leg with a first place.
(Anderson) Rally Obedience, AK
Krishna (Chill x Justin) Q'd on his first two Rally legs. (Nelson) Kalmath DFA , MD
Brohdi (Dana x Dumbarton) goes BOB and Group 2. (King and Miller)
Oriole DTC Agility, MD
Libet (Katie x Dex) finished both her Open Jumpers and Novice Fast titles. (Harrill)
Belgian Sheepdog Club of America, MD
Cash (Nikki x Joey) The first day of Rally Cash was 2nd place with a score of 94 in Rally Novice A and the next day Cash was 1st with a 99! (Holbrook)
Slick (Maddie x Cash) earned an AOM and made the it through several cuts into the top 5 males with outstanding competition plus picked up his NAP and NJP legs with 2nd places to his dad, Cash. (Brady and Hodges)
Lisa (Justin x Dana) earns her 13 and 14th Double Qs and goes HIT and RHIT at the BSCA agility trial on Monday with two 1sts. She places 1st and 2nd at the Weds agility trial. Her puppies sired by Ch Signature's Element were RWD and RWB at 9 months! Congratultions Linda! (Mizrahi)
Izzy (Caper x Brohdi) was first in a huge 9-12 Sweeps class. (Bred and owned by Bonnie Leonard)
Tali (Chill x Rival) goes Best in Sweeps under breeder judge Libbye Miller and 2nd in BBE under breeder judge Linda Robey. (Miller)
Nikki (Dana x Dumbarton) earned her 4th AOM and made it into the final cut. (Miller)
Krishna (Chill x Justin) took 1st place in Novice Jumpers at their first very first agility trial and Q'd the next day in Novice Tunnelers. (Bred by Ramona Kraft and Penny King and owned by Kristen Nelson)
Baltimore Co KC supported entries (Sun), MD
Brohdi (Dana x Dumbarton) goes BOB and Group 3. (King and Miller)
Old Dominion KC supported entries (Sat), MD
Brohdi (Dana x Dumbarton) goes BOB and Group 3. (King and Miller)
AKC Agility, CO
Niya (Shyla x Blancodiente) Niya was 1st in Open Std and 1st in Exc A JWW both days to finish her AXJ! (Gee) Justin (Dana x Greco) earned his third Double Q with a 4th place in Exc B Std followed by another Q'd for his 7th MX leg and another 4th in Std. Handled by Susan Anderson (Miller)
Canine Good Citizenship, Canada
Rev (Nikki x Joey) earned his CGN title. (Mulrooney)
USDAA Agility, CA
Jax (Dana x Dumbarton)
came home with 3 Qs, 2 Titles with a 1st and 2nd place. They were the only qualifier in gamblers. Jax now has his Starters pairs, gambles along with a previous JWW. (Wilson)
AKC Agility (Sun), CO
Ring (Shyla x Blancodiente) Ring was 1st in Std Ex B. (Anderson)
Justin (Dana x Greco) Q'd Ex B JWW for MXJ leg #4. Handled by Susan Anderson (Miller)
AKC Agility (Sat), CO
Ring (Shyla x Blancodiente) Ring was 1st in Exc B Std. (Anderson)
Niya (Shyla x Blancodiente) Niya was 1st in Open Std to finish her OA! (Gee) Justin (Dana x Greco) Q'd in Exc Std for MX leg #5. Handled by Susan Anderson (Miller)
AKC Agility (Friday), CO
Ring (Shyla x Blancodiente) Ring was 1st in JWW. (Anderson)
Niya (Shyla x Blancodiente) Niya was 2nd her first time in Exc. JWW. (Gee) Justin (Dana x Greco) earned his second Double Q with a 4th place in Exc B Std. Handled by Susan Anderson (Miller)
Petewawa, Canada
Rev (Nikki x Joey) earned his CGC (CGN Canada) title. (Mulrooney) Terry All KC, CO
Faith (Caper x Brohdi) was WB for 3 pts at 10 months, RWD to a major the day before at her first shows. (Greger and Miller) Sacramento KC, CA
Nikki (Dana x Dumbarton) goes BOB both days and a Group 4 owner handled under judge Dr. Lee Reasin on Sat. (Miller)
Tali (Chill x Rival) goes WB for 1 pt on Sat from BBE, no competition on Sunday, (Miller)
AKC Agility, MD
Lisa (Justin x Dana) earns her 12th Double Q. (Mizrahi)
Saginaw Valley KC, MI
Slick (Maddie x Cash) goes BOB over some lovely specials competition. (Brady and Hodges)
Alaska KC, AK
Krishna (Chill x Justin) goes WD both days for his last 2 pts. (Bred by Ramona Kraft and Penny King and owned by Kristen Nelson)
CKC Rally Trial, Canada
Rev (Nikki x Joey) earned two legs on his CKC Rally title. (Mulrooney)
Oakland KC, CA Nikki (Dana x Dumbarton) goes BOB and Group 3 owner handled. (Miller)
Teddy (Chill x Rival) goes WD/BW for 3 pts. (Miller)
Tali (Chill x Rival) goes WB for 3 pts from BBE. (Miller)
San Mateo KC, CA
Tommy (Chill x Rival) goes WD for 1 pt. (Miller)
Tali (Chill x Rival) goes WB/BW/BOB for 4 pts from BBE. (Miller)
KC of Salinas , CA
Tali (Chill x Rival) goes WB/BW/BOB for 1 pt from BBE. (Miller)
AKC Houston KC, TX
Cash (Nikki x Joey) was BOS both days over top winning male specials competition. (Holbrook)
Skyline DFA, CA
Bear (Chill x Justin) goes WD/BW/BOB for 2 pts. (Bred by Ramona Kraft and Penny King and owned by Tom and Kim Zioncheck) Vallejo DTC, CA
Jax (Dana x Dumbarton) took 1st place in Exc B JWW for 34 more MACH pts. (Wilson)
AKC Colorado KC (Sun), CO
Ring (Shyla x Blancodiente) Ring was 1st in Std Ex B. (Anderson)
Niya (Shyla x Blancodiente) Niya was 2nd in Open Std and in JWW. (Gee) Justin (Dana x Greco) took 4th place in Ex B for his 2nd MX leg. Handled by Susan Anderson (Miller)
AKC Colorado KC (Sat), CO
Ring (Shyla x Blancodiente) Ring was 2nd in JWW. (Anderson)
Justin (Dana x Greco) earned his first Double Q . Handled by Susan Anderson (Miller)
AKC Colorado KC (Friday), CO
Ring (Shyla x Blancodiente) Ring was 1st in JWW. (Anderson)
CARO Rally Trial, Canada
Rev (Nikki x Joey) earned his RN title! (Mulrooney)
Obedience Trial, CA
Jax (Dana x Dumbarton) finished his CDX, earning two legs in one day with a 190 and a 195 and 3rd place! (Wilson)
AKC Colorado KC (Mon), CO
Ring (Shyla x Blancodiente) Ring was 1st in JWW again to finish his MXJ. (Anderson)
Maddie (Justin x Dana) goes 4th place in Open A with a score of 188 and finishes her CDX! Maddie goes on to Rally Advanced and scores of 99 with a 2nd place. (Sheeter) Justin (Dana x Greco) picked up his 1st MXJ leg. Handled by Susan Anderson (Miller)
AKC Colorado KC (Sun), CO Ring (Shyla x Blancodiente) Ring finished his MX with a 2nd place and was 1st in JWW, he now has 3 DQs towards his MACH. (Anderson)
Maddie (Justin x Dana) goes 4th place in Rally Novice with a score of 98 to finish her RN. (Sheeter)
Justin (Dana x Greco) finished his AXJ with a 3rd place and picked up his 1st MX leg. Handled by Susan Anderson (Miller)
AKC Plum Creek KC (Sat), CO
Ring (Shyla x Blancodiente) Ring earned his 9th MXJ leg with a 2nd place. (Anderson)
Maddie (Justin x Dana) goes 2nd place in Open A with a score of 191.5. In Rally Novice she scores of 97 with a 5th place. (Sheeter)
Justin (Dana x Greco) finished his AX with a 3nd place and picked up his 2nd AXJ leg with a 2nd place. Handled by Susan Anderson (Miller)
AKC Agility, CO
Justin (Dana x Greco) took 2nd in Exc Std for his second AX leg and 2nd in Open JWW to finish his title on Sat and was 2nd in Exc A JWW for his first AXJ leg, handled by Susan Anderson. (Miller) Santa Clara KC, CA
Bear (Chill x Justin) goes WD for 1 pts both days. (Bred by Ramona Kraft and Penny King and owned by Tom and Kim Zioncheck)
Linn KC, OR
Brodhi (Dana x Dumbarton) goes BOB both days. (King and Miller)
Sota (Chill x Rival) was WD/BW for his first point! (Stiles)
Oakland, CA Lance (Chill x Rival) earned his CGC at 8 monhts! (Delight)
Oriole DTC, MD
Libet (Katie x Dex) earned her first Open Std leg and her second Open Jumpers leg both with very fast 1st places! (Harrill)
AKC Agility, CO
Justin (Dana x Greco) took 2nd in Exc Std for his second AX leg and 2nd in Open JWW to finish his title on Sat and was 2nd in Exc A JWW for his first AXJ leg, handled by Susan Anderson. (Miller)
Golden Gate KC, CA
Jax (Dana x Dumbarton) was BOB both days owner handled. (Wilson)
Alaska KC, AK
Krishna (Chill x Justin) was WD/BW/BOB for 2 pts on Sunday. (Bred by Ramona Kraft and Penny King. Owned by Kristen Nelson)
Kenai KC, AK
Krishna (Chill x Justin) was WD for another point. (Bred by Ramona Kraft and Penny King. Owned by Kristen Nelson)
AKC Agility (Fri), MD
Lisa (Justin x Dana) earns her 11th Double Q at her first trial after maternity leave! (Mizrahi)
Tulatin KC (Sun), OR
Brohdi (Dana x Dumbarton) goes BOS. (King and Miller)
Sage (Sunny x Belle) finished her RN and was 4th in Novice B and High Scoring BSD! (Stiles)
DFA of Oregon (Sat), OR
Joey (Dana x Greco) goes BOB. (Austin-Bailey)
Krishna (Chill x Justin) goes WD for 3 pts, his second major. (Bred by Ramona Kraft and Penny King and owned by Kristen Nelson)
DFA of Oregon (Fri), OR
Brohdi (Dana x Dumbarton) goes BOB. (King and Miller)
Sage (Sunny x Belle) earns another RN leg and CD leg. (Stiles)
Northwest Belgian Sheepdog Club Specialty (Thur), OR
Joey (Dana x Greco) goes BISS under breeder judge Janina Lauren. (Austin-Bailey)
Oakland County KC , MI
Slick (Maddie x Cash) goes BOB. (Brady and Hodges)
AKC Agility (Sun), CO
Ring (Shyla x Blancodiente) Ring
took 3rd Place in JWW for his 9th MXJ leg. (Anderson)
AKC Agility (Sat), CO
Ring (Shyla x Blancodiente) Ring picked up his 8th MXJ leg. (Anderson)
USDAA Agility (Sun), CO Ring (Shyla x Blancodiente) Ring placed first in Master Snookers and finished his Advanced Jumpers title with a 1st place. In Round 2 of Speed Jumping he finished 2nd. (Anderson) USDAA Agility (Sat), CO Ring (Shyla x Blancodiente) Ring placed first in Master Standard, 2nd in Master Gambler. In Performance Grand Prix he was 2nd and in Round 1 of Speed Jumping he was in 3rd place. (Anderson) Land O'Lakes KC, WI Maverick (Nikki x Joey) was WD/BW for all three days for 6 points. (Elder)
2006 Brags